Saturday, July 19, 2008


Recently I've come to the realization that I miss doing graphic design. Not That I want to do it professionally, I actually think that would suck, but I do enjoy it. So I've been taking whatever opportunities I get to do some design work, I've also been brainstorming ideas. My most recent idea is an anti-Oregon t-shirt campaign (shout out to Mike Brown). To all of my Oregonian friends, don't get too upset. I don't hate Oregon by any means, I just think that they do things weird here, namely driving and driving related activities. I also think more attention needs to be brought to the things that Oregon is bad at. 

So Here's what I've got so far

"I pump my own gas"
"I drive 75"
"I do u-turns"

let me know if you have any other ideas for me of why Oregon's stupid


theballroom said...

Yea for your new blog! I think you are an excellent graphic designer and you should do more of it, like some business cards for me...

Anonymous said...

how about

"I don't hug trees I pee on them"

Ted Jones said...
