Monday, July 28, 2008


Tonight was a mostly uneventful night. But it was surprisingly eventful considering its uneventfulness. After getting off work I sat down to write a blog about the movie I invented in my dream last night. It was rad! Before I got started I got a phone call from a friend I hadn't talked to in a long time. Congratulations to you.
I hung out with Tim for the first time in quite a while. It resulted in too much Taco Bell, discovering that we both have blogs, watching the news, Mad Libs, and Nightmare on Elm Street 2. It was a good night, although Nightmare on Elm Street 2 isn't good.
At one point in the night we somehow started talking about the random text message I got today that said "I'm proud of you." Tim made the hilarious comment "I haven't done anything I'm proud of in the past 48 hours."
After Tim left I started reading through some of his old blog posts (that sounds creepy to me, but its not). It made me admire him, it made me proud of him. Sometimes I forget to admire my friends, its nice to remember the awesome kind of people they are. Not just awesome like fun to hang out with but awesome like exceptional.
Maybe tomorrow you'll hear about my sweet dream/movie

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